Cynthia Olivaria and her children obtained a $2 million default judgment against Lin & Son, which was upheld when the lower court denied Lin & Son’s motion to vacate.  Facing a restraining notice on its accounts, a seizure of several hundreds of thousands from one of its bank accounts, and a sheriff’s sale of prime commercial real estate on Manhattan’s East Side to satisfy the judgment, Lin & Son retained CTSW to represent it in an appeal of the trial court’s decision to The New York State Appellate Division, First Department.  CTSW successfully convinced the Appellate Division, First Department, to stay the sheriff’s sale pending the outcome of the appeal, and recently won a unanimous decision from the Appellate Court reversing the trial court decision, vacating the default judgment and finding that Lin & Son had meritorious defenses to assert in the underlying action. As a result of the First Department’s decision, the monies seized by Olivaria’s attorneys will also be returned to Lin & Son